Initiative for Firefighter Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Protecting our health, protecting our future.
More than 60% of firefighter line-of-duty deaths can be traced back to exposure to carcinogenic toxins in smoke and other hazardous materials. But firefighters can protect themselves and others with proper training and awareness.
For this reason, the Illinois Firefighter’s Association (IFA) implemented the GO GREEN CLEAN Initiative for Firefighter Cancer Awareness and Prevention, a cancer awareness and training program designed to mitigate risks among firefighters and help prevent cancer and other health concerns. The program is offered free of charge to all members as part of the IFA’s commitment to firefighter health and well-being.

Firefighters face a 9% higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer and a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer than the general U.S. population due to exposure to toxic substances while fighting fires.
GO GREEN CLEAN is based on current research outlined in the Lavender Ribbon Report, a document created by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the Volunteer and Combination Officers Section (VCOS) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). The Lavender Ribbon Report outlines the best practices for preventing firefighter cancer. The IFA collaborated with the Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal to create the GO GREEN CLEAN program for its members.
The GO GREEN CLEAN program teaches firefighters best practices to follow in reducing the risks of cancer caused by chemical exposure, including proper protocols to decontaminate skin and protective gear in timely and efficient ways.
As part of the initiative, the IFA created the first GO GREEN CLEAN fire truck in the nation. The association uses the neon green truck to travel across Illinois and to state and national events to provide mobile training and promote the initiative and its important message. After firefighters watch an educational presentation on televisions inside the GO GREEN CLEAN fire truck, the IFA then provides their fire department with effective decontamination equipment and supplies free of charge.
The GO GREEN CLEAN firefighter cancer prevention campaign is the first project of its kind. The IFA hopes others will follow their lead in developing their own truck and expanding the initiative to all parts of the nation. To guide expansion efforts, the IFA is working on achieving 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity status, as a project of this size will require substantial funding. Whether a new or seasoned firefighter, everyone needs to be aware of the potential hazards they face and the corrective actions necessary to stay safe.
The IFA is grateful for those who have already supported the development and implementation of this important initiative thus far. The Alexis Fire Equipment Company donated the first GO GREEN CLEAN fire truck. The Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM), the Illinois FIre Service Institute (IFSI) and MABAS Illinois provided training and equipment distribution. The Firefighter Cancer Support Network assisted in training IFA instructors in awareness and prevention measures. The state fire marshal also secured the funding to provide kits of decontamination equipment for every fire department in the state.

The GO GREEN CLEAN Initiative for Firefighter Cancer Awareness and Prevention, is dedicated to developing and promoting an effective health intervention program to reduce the risks of cancer to firefighters at the local, state, and national levels.
Program Guidelines
The GO GREEN CLEAN Initiative for Firefighter Cancer Awareness and Prevention, will accomplish our mission by:
Utilizing research studies and findings that supports a cure and establishes best practices for preventative measures
Promoting a change in attitudes and behaviors towards recognizing the benefits of post-fire or post-exposure cleaning and decontamination
Providing training and educational materials to all firefighters
Creating local, state, and national awareness of the firefighter cancer crisis
Assisting in the procurement of equipment necessary for post-fire or post-exposure cleaning and decontamination
Working with the Illinois Firefighters Association and other organizations to provide support networks for firefighters, families and others who have been impacted by firefighter cancer
Promoting the national Firefighter Cancer Registry program and the Lavender Ribbon Report Best Practices for Preventing Firefighter Cancer
Using the GO GREEN CLEAN fire truck to create awareness and promote firefighter cancer prevention throughout the state by having a visual and physical presence with firefighters at their firehouses and at regional and national events
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